by bkkadmin | Oct 9, 2017 | Posts
Quantity control Cargo quantity control is done to assure that loaded or unloaded cargo number, quantity or weight is same as stated in bill of lading, mate’s receipt or etc. This can be determined by reasonable inspection, calculation and results of the draft...
by bkkadmin | Oct 9, 2017 | Posts
Non-destructive testing (NDT) Our certified non-destructive testing (NDT) laboratory can offer: ultrasonic ( UT) testing magnetic (MT) testing visual (VT) testing penetrant testing (PT) NDT technicians are certified according to ISO 9712 and SNT-TC-1A standart...
by bkkadmin | Oct 9, 2017 | Posts
Cargo damage survey Different kind of cargo has its own properties, and has different reaction to external factors, which may have influence the cargo quality. During voyages cargo might be influenced by physical, thermal, moisture or etc. factors. Our independent...
by bkkadmin | Oct 9, 2017 | Posts
UTM – Ultrasonic Thickness measurement Ultrasonic Thickness measurement method is an accurate, fast and relatively inexpensive method to determine thickness and perform corrosion mapping on ferrous and non-ferrous materials UTM is part of whole process during vessel...
by bkkadmin | Oct 9, 2017 | Posts
Warehouse Inspection Warehouse inspection commonly are done to ensure that goods are stored according to product requirements before cargo transportation. Moreover to ensure that warehouse is fumigation, pest free and to inspect if different kind of cargoes don’t...
by bkkadmin | Oct 9, 2017 | Posts
Stowage, lashing and securing surveys This survey is done to ensure if cargo stowage, lashing and securing is done according to IMO, SOLAS and administration requirements. Our highly experienced surveyors have a lot of practice for different kind of...
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